we’re making a difference
Since our inception in 2000, the Friends have been champions for preservation and responsible recreation within the preserve.
Our organization has helped to add 837 acres to the preserve, which now totals 2,594.33 acres. We identify key parcels for acquisition based on a few factors:
Proximity to the preserve
Ecological importance
Our goal is to continue to educate the public on this natural treasure and protect it for the enjoyment of our and future generations.
Lands that the Friends have helped to acquire so far:
Yellow border lines are the original preserve borders.
Blue border lines are what the Friends have helped the county to acquire.
More recently, we’ve expanded our focus to acquire nearby parkland such as Butterfield Trails Ranch.
ways to donate
There are many ways in which you can be involved and help us further our mission. If you cannot join as a member or would like to go above and beyond, we can accept any of the following types of donations. Please contact us to arrange your donation.
Gifts of stock
Wills and retirement plans
Gifts of land
A reserved life estate
Charitable remainder trust
Life insurance
Gifts of real estate
our media impact: hellhole canyon in the news
Celebration Picnic in the Park on October 14, Valley Magazine, October 2023
Butterfield Trails Ranch Will Be a Dream Come True for Valley Center, Valley Magazine, July 2023
It’s Time We Embrace Spider Season, LA Times Magazine, 10/13/22
300 Turn Out for Opening of Hellhole Exhibit at CCAE, VC Roadrunner, 1/19/20
Endangered, SD Union Tribune, 1/17/20
Endangered: Exploring California’s Changing Ecosystem, SDCAN, 1/12/20
Hellhole Exhibit Highlights 14 Artists’ Work, VC Roadrunner, 1/1/20
Exhibition Opening at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido Museum, Times Advocate, 12/5/19
Exhibition Opening at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido Museum, VC Roadrunner, 11/28/19
Learn to Think Like the Indigenous People Did, VC Roadrunner, 10/18/19
Hellhole Friends to Hold Spooky Trails, Oct. 12, VC Roadrunner, 10/9/19
Friends Welcome Wildlife Specialist Carly Padilla, VC Roadrunner, 8/30/19
Friends of Hellhole Hold Summer Celebration, VC Roadrunner, 8/16/19
Friends of Hellhole Partner with California Center for the Arts, Times Advocate, 6/12/19
Friends of Hellhole Partner with California Center for the Arts, VC Roadrunner 6/12/19
Local Group Wants Valley Center Certified as a Wildlife Habitat, Valley Roadrunner, 5/2019
VC Trails, Friends of Hellhole and Vaqueros to Host Free Event, VC Roadrunner, 3/22/19
VCTA to Have Meeting March 24, 2019, VC Roadrunner, 3/1/19
Hellhole to Sponsor Valentines for Mountain Lions, VC Roadrunner, 2/1/19
Valley Center Roadrunner FB page, 1/30/19
County to Buy Nearly 600 Acres Near Valley Center’s Hellhole Canyon, SD Union Tribune, 1/9/19
County Poised to Buy 571 Hellhole Acres, Times Advocate, 1/4/19
Friends of Hellhole Pleased About Purchase of 571 Acres, VC Roadrunner, 1/10/19
County, Hellhole Friends to Hold “Spooky Trails” Event, VC Roadrunner, 10/8/18
Artists Support Conservation Effort, SD Union Tribune, 9/24/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Host Artists' Appreciation Party, VC Roadrunner, 8/17/18
Dr. Johnson to Give Rattlesnake Talk, VC Roadrunner, 6/29/18
Rattlesnakes in Valley Center, SD Reader, 6/28/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Bring Mountain Lion Speaker to VC, VC Happenings, 6/20/18
Friends of Hellhole Give Hellhole a Clean Up, VC Roadrunner, 6/15/18
Mountain Lions Need Our Respect and Love, VC Happenings, 6/14/18
Prop. 68 Changes Our Landscape, VC Happenings Op-Ed, 6/11/18
Mountain Lion Talk, VC Roadrunner, 6/7/18
Hellhole Receives a Clean Up from Its Friends, VC Happenings, 6/4/18
Mountain Lions Need Our Respect and Love, SD Reader, 5/24/18
Mountain Lions Need Our Respect and Love, VC Happenings, 5/23/18
FHC Group Productive Year, Valley Center Magazine, 5/2018
VC BioBlitz, VC Happenings, 4/26/18
From Hellhole to Paradise, SD Reader, 4/24/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Hold Benefit Concert, SD Union Tribune, 4/21/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Host Benefit Concert, VC Happenings, 4/21/18
Friends of Hellhole to Hold Fundraiser April 24, VC Roadrunner, 3/29/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Announce First Benefit Concert and Art Exhibition, VC Happenings, 3/29/18
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Raise $20K, SD Union Tribune, 3/9/18
Local Conservation Group Registers VC as "Community Wildlife Habitat," VC Roadrunner, 2/9/18
Friends Gather, VC Happenings, 2/8/18
Hellhole Canyon Will Benefit From Art Auction, Times-Advocate, 11/9/17
Hellhole Canyon Will Benefit From Art Auction, VC Roadrunner, 11/9/17
Friends of Hellhole to Hold Fundraising Art Auction in November, VC Roadrunner, 10/26/17
Halloween in Hellhole was a Whole Lot of Fun, VC Happenings, 10/16/17
County to Expand Hellhole Canyon Preserve, SD Union Tribune, 1/6/17
Art Auction to Raise Funds for 400-acre Purchase of Local Wildlife Habitat, San Diego Free Press, 9/16/16
Friends of Hellhole Canyon Have Ambitious Goal, Valley Center Happenings, 9/13/16
Group Works to Preserve Local Wildlife Corridor, SD Union Tribune, 9/9/16
Hellhole Canyon: The Lilac Gem of San Diego County, VC Roadrunner, March 2016
Friends Add 34 Acres to Preserve, North County Times, June 2011
Take a Hike: Hellhole Canyon Preserve, SD Union Tribune, June 2011
Friends Complete Acquisition of Hell Creek Headwaters 40-acre Parcel, Valley Center Roadrunner, June 2011
Celebrating the Salvation of Hellhole Canyon, SD Union Tribune, May 2005
Nonprofit Raises Funds for Hellhole Canyon Acquisition, North County Times, April 2005
Hellhole Canyon Reopens After Devastating Fire, San Diego Union Tribune, April 2004
Above: Late afternoon sun and clouds at Hellhole Canyon.